Philipsburg, MT, - Nearby Communities


Anaconda is located about 30 miles southeast of Philipsburg on Montana Highway 1. It has an approximate population of 9,200 residents and is the county seat of Deerlodge County. The large standing smoke stack, huge copper cauldrons now used as decor and black tailing piles found east of town are sharp reminders of the mining history this town is famous for.

Anaconda, currently ranked as the ninth biggest city in Montana, is home to many eateries, lodging, casinos, a bowling alley, and the historic Washoe Theatre - built in 1936 and still in operation. Central Anaconda elevation is 5,335' above sea level.

Georgetown Lake

Georgetown Lake is a popular recreation area for boating, fishing, camping and windsurfing. At 3,000 acres, it's a large mountain lake found at over 6,000' in elevation. The lake is surrounded by scenic mountain ranges, the Flint Creek Range to the north and the Pintlers to the south. Fishing is a popular activity at this lake with Kokanee salmon being the most popular, followed closely by the rainbow trout.

There are four public boat ramps as well as a marina. The area boasts several campgrounds, access to lodging, restaurants, and casinos. During winter, the lake is a spot popular for ice fishing, snowmobiling and kite boarding.


Maxville is a nearby community located about 10 miles north of Philipsburg on the Pintler Scenic Route. The area is quite beautiful with some great trails for 4 wheeling or snowmobiling. Boulder creek runs through this small community, and you'll get great views while traveling along Maxville Road.

Maxville currently is home to VFW Post 8292 and Boulder Creek Lodge. The area shows plenty of evidence of a mining past - including gated mine shaft entrances, old miner's cabins and tailings piles. Camping, fishing, hiking and rockhounding are just some of the activities available if you decide to explore this wonderful wilderness area.


Drummond is located about 25 miles north of Philipsburg at the junction of I-90 and Montana Highway 1 with the Clark Fork River running through it. Currently a ranching community, it is home of the World-Famous Bull shippers. Originally was named after a trapper by the name of Hugh Drummond who operated a line of traps and made his camp where the railroad station now stands. The town's population grew when many people flooded into the area during the gold rush of the 1860s.

The 2010 census figured Drummond's population at 309. This quaint town offers lodging, restaurants, bars, gas stations, a few shops, a food market and great community park.